My Work n Stuff
Published on December 19, 2002 By PixelCargo In WinCustomize Talk
I was just wondering if i was the only one having trouble with 075 when trying to simply drag a folder or shortcut to add it to the bar. When you click on the icon it just bounces then nothing happends but when i went back to 070 it worked better then 075?

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on Dec 19, 2002
theres a fix to that, think it was Steve Pye said this on the ObjectDock NewsGroup

For My Computer Dock Item Properties Shortcut

Title: My Computer

Link: explorer.exe

Arguments: /n,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}

For My Documents Dock Item Properties Shortcut

Title: My Documents

Link: explorer.exe

Arguments: C:\Documents and Settings\Username\My Documents

Just make sure no spaces in Link: sections

May require double click for My Documents
on Dec 19, 2002
more work for nothing? i put shorcuts in a folder , my objectdock is like a submenued quicklaunch bar that open that specific category folder ,not a program , a folder with shortcuts , in 075 you cant just drag like in 070 so its better to stay with 070.