My Work n Stuff
I wana know how you put a icon in objectdock that will work the same as window start button, im sure this has been asked before but cant find the old posts, is there also a list somewhere of the codes that you can use in objectdock ex my computer is a weird code, control pannel etc. Help meeee
on Aug 16, 2003
#1 by Wizop Koasati - 7/7/2003 10:13:33 PM


To link to the Startmenu:
Copy and paste the following in a text editor.

set wShell=wscript.createobject('')
wShell.sendkeys '^{ESC}'

Save with .vbs extension. Pay attention to where you save it. Now link to the file in the Dock Item Properties.

From this thread -

on Aug 16, 2003 ,also another Big K tip listed in that forum.A fantastic find,IMO.

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