My Work n Stuff
Published on January 31, 2004 By PixelCargo In WinCustomize Talk
What I dont get... I make a wallpaper , i ask 4 friends if they like it, I upload it and I get no emails. Ive seen other wallpapers not as good but mine does not appear, might there be corruption behind the GO upload walls?
To me this place aint what it was to be. Can this be?

Comments (Page 4)
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on Feb 02, 2004
Wow this went further then expected but I did mean corrupt in term of servers not the admins. If I ofended an admin im sorry. Im sure this would be all avoided if the *we wont email you back policy* would be an option in your account then it would make more sense to me...

Next wallpaper il be sure to ask one of the admins.
on Feb 02, 2004
I keep saying that there should be a paragraph added to the submissions messages. Something that reads:

If your submission disappears from 'My Skins' list and it doesn’t show on the library, it means it didn’t pass moderation. If you have any questions, please email any of the admins.

I think this will eliminate a lot of these threads that most of the times lead to unnecessary comments and flaming. Of course there will always be those that will find the need to publicly vent their frustrations, but that will help my pop-corn vending business
on Feb 02, 2004

Next wallpaper il be sure to ask one of the admins.

Jolly good move....

on Feb 02, 2004
All over now

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